Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bumper Stickers

This past week on vacation, God reminded me (again) of how very small I am. It didn't matter which perspective I took, from the bottom of the mountain looking up or from the top looking down, I couldn't escape His enormity. Oh, the landscape surely is enough to remind anyone that our Creator is HUGE, but the thing that really convicted me was the bumper sticker. On a crowded highway, the pickup truck alongside of us sported a bumper sticker that proudly said, "My God is BIGGER than My Cancer!"

I couldn't help but look inside the cab, as I silently said a prayer for this precious one; would I be able to discern which of the occupants was fighting the fight of their life? And there she was, pink shirt, pink bandana wrapped around her smooth head.

It wasn't the size of the mountain that that the LORD used to teach me, but the size of her faith. I just pictured her waving the banner of her LORD, Jehovah Nissi. The LORD is my Banner; the LORD is my victory (Exodus 17:15). The banner is the standard that goes before the army to indicate whom it represents. The LORD is my Banner says that we are God's people and He is my God. That is all I had to know about her and all she wanted anyone to know.

How do we let the LORD get so small in our eyes? (Day 4, page 134). I think it is based on our experience with Him and how we see Him. In the Hebrew culture, a name described a person's character or nature. So it is with the names of God. The names of God remind us of who He is, and what He has done, and what He will do. As I review the names, titles and description of God, He increases in size and I would challenge you this week to begin to do that. Then imagine your own bumper sticker saying, "My God is Bigger than my (fill in the blank)!" That's true worship.

Because I'm so technically challenged…and we're having issues with the blog on the church server, I have a list that I have copied from Blackaby's Experiencing God, that I am happy to forward you by email. If you'd like a copy, email me at donnafugarino@hgbc.org, and I will send it to you. It is a great way to be reminded of just how BIG our God is.

Kelly asked the question: "have you ever had an experience with a physical idol?" I have a confession…I have an actual idol in my house. Before you begin praying for my soul, let me tell you the story. I have a friend, CharlĂ©, who traveled to China regularly several years ago, as an importer of Chinese furniture into this country. She had tried many times to teach me to cook authentic Chinese cuisine. Of all things, I stumbled most on the rice. Either I would be waiting on it to soak up all the liquid (meaning it was underdone) while the rest of meal was overcooking, or the rice was too sticky (overdone). I guess I peeked into the pan one time too many… It became a running joke, and on one trip from China she brought me a present, an antique rice god. It was fashioned out of antique Chinese coins and gold plate by some rice farmer, I guess. We had a really good laugh as she said, "maybe this will help your rice skills!"

Can I just tell you…this little piece of metal, that is a great piece of Oriental art, certainly was no help at all in the rice department at the Fugarino house! It is the only thing that silly thing had to do and it couldn't even do that… go figure!

As I look at my list of all God is and all God has done, how can anything compare in our lives? We're at that stage in our study where we're tearing down and tearing out those things that are taking up space in our lives. Now is the place where we have to be sure to fill those empty spaces with the One True God. The One who created the rice, for crying out loud, and who sustained it and mercifully packaged it in little bags that I can put in the microwave for perfect rice every time!

This week, as Kelly suggests (page 125) let's stop spending so much time on trying to get rid of rebellion, lust, jealousy, materialism, addictions and whatever other idols rule our lives, and spend ourselves on knowing, truly knowing God.

Check your basement for unopened spiritual guitar cases…what's stopping you from opening them. Last week, my husband, Joe, had planned a grand finale of hikes for our last day. I have to say that I was less than thrilled because it had a difficulty label that read "strenuous". As the week drew to a close, I was contemplating a dozen scenarios that might help me avoid this trail…I was afraid it would be too hard for me. Every other hike we completed had said "moderate" and they were really tough. I so wanted to leave this guitar case unopened, until Joe pointed out that I was focusing all my attention on a word, "strenuous" and I was willing to let a word keep me from the climb. Hmmm, that will preach!

Anyway, Friday morning, we hiked what was probably one of the most beautiful trails we have EVER hiked. I made it to the destination and it was easier that the previous hikes we did earlier in the week. I am humbled by what I might have missed and what I have surely missed before.

God you are mighty, bigger and mightier than anything or anyone that I can imagine and I pray that this week as we continue this study that we will not settle for unopened cases that bear labels that keep us from knowing You. You are worth the climb!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Donna- what a great lesson this week! It never ceases to amaze me, that the God of Gods even takes the time to provide a teachable moment....yes, even on vacation.

    I experienced that myself...when we recently headed for the coast, to celebrate our 25th anniversary. I couldn’t WAIT to get away.... I just said good-bye to my son, heading to Iraq a couple weeks ago, work was more demanding than usual, was planning a wedding, and we were just told that there were structural issues with our new home. I was exhaused! To top it all off, I went to get my hair cut before we left, and when I looked in the mirror, instead of seeing my crowning glory, I saw an aging punk rocker! My very astute stylist "sensed" my angst, and handed me a complimentary bottle of thickening shampoo, that promised to "volumize to the 10th power, taming those stubborn fly-aways"! I remember thinking that I was going to need a bigger bottle.

    I was trying not to look in the mirror, as we were driving to the coast...when the phone rang. It was the call we hoped we'd never get, but had dreaded for several months, and it had finally come. It represented a devestating blow to our finances, and we were both pretty quiet for what seemed an eternity.

    We certainly didn’t get all the "why's and wherefore's" answered that week-end... but were amazed by the desperately needed message we received from that week's perfectly timed lessons; "Good Goodbyes" and the following lesson…"God of Gods".

    When I began reading the story of Abraham, willingly ascending the mountain, to sacrifice His son Isaac, I already saw where God was leading me in this lesson. Not that our situation was even in the same league. But in principle, I saw Abraham's willingness to give up something so valuable to him, KNOWING what he was about to do. When asked where they were going....he said..."To Worship". He didnt know HOW this would all work out....NONE of it made sense! But he trusted God so much, that when Isaac asked him, "Where's the sacrifice?”, Abraham said; "the Lord would provide".

    I thought about that for a minute. Wasn’t God, able to come thru at the 11th hour, with a miraculous deliverance from our situation? Of course he was! He still could. But even if He did not; would He not take care of all the details? Would He not provide?

    I love the point about there being a difference in "letting something go"- and "making an offering". We have given Him this whole situation from the outset.... and that week-end, we offered it up again to Him. All of it. And, regardless what the final outcome will be; as Abraham said: "We will go worship".

    How great was that preface that started on page 98...I really didn’t feel like smiling when I started reading it; there were things happening in our lives that were pretty serious. But that description of dinner time at Kelly's parents; ALMOST succeeded. However, it’s the Lord's sense of humor that finally got me....He's so awesome; The preface ends by saying;

    "But, goodbyes aren’t so bad when new hellos can be faintly heard around the corner. PRACTICE YOUR WAVE”.

    The Lord recalled one of my favorite movie lines to mind in that instant, because He knew it would make me laugh; For those of you who have seen the animated movie Madagascar, you’ll remember the group of "rag-tag" penguins who thought that they were a military unit- operating incognito. At one point, their captain, fearing their "cover" would be blown, instructs the penguin navy with these words; "Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave".

    I remember saying....Ok, Lord- "You GOT me"; as I felt a smile start spreading over my face. And then He reminded me, “Yes child, I DO have you….right in the palm of my hand”.

    Thank you Lord, for being our God of Gods!
