Monday, June 22, 2009

Why Vibrant Women?

Why Vibrant Women....?

Listen to the definition, according to
1.pulsating with vigor and energy: the vibrant life.
2.vigorous; energetic; vital: a vibrant personality.
3.exciting; stimulating; lively: vibrant colors

I don't know about you, but I want that!

Ps 89:15-18 (MSG) says:
Blessed are the people (women) who know the passwords of praise,
who shout on parade in the bright presence of God.
Delighted, they dance all day long; they know
who you are, what you do-they can't keep it quiet!
Your vibrant beauty has gotten inside us-
you've been so good to us!
We're walking on air!
All we are and have we owe to God,
Holy God of Israel, our King!

Vibrant Women are worshipping women; they know their LORD and worship Him, they can't keep quiet about Him. They literally feel like they are walking air! Then why do we feel so tired, stressed out, overloaded and overwhelmed?

Ponder this: 2 Kings 17:33 (NIV) "They worshipped the LORD, but they also served their gods." God and gods. Worshipping One and serving others...could we draw a parallel here? Is it possible that we too are serving other gods? Girlfriends, they have no power to make us vibrant! Only the LORD, the One True God, can do that. What are you waiting for....??

Grab a girlfriend and grab a book, let's start getting this figured out, once and for all!

To God be the glory,

Phil 2:10

Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Bible Study Coming Soon

Hello Girlfriends!

I am so glad that you are joining me for our summer study, No Other Gods, by Kelly Minter. You will need to get your workbook/member book ordered so that you are ready for our July 7th kickoff!

You can order your book from the HGBC Bookstore or pick one up from Lifeway.

Find a comfy place and let's look at God's Word together and see where He leads us. It's going to be a great summer!

Blessings to you,
Phil 2:10