Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Good Land

My heart is so tender today as I write this. It is always bittersweet when we end a study. On one hand, we celebrate all that God has shown us over the last 7 weeks and on the other hand we are sad to close that last page. Today, as you complete your lesson, you stand on the brink of something new. I want to challenge you today to not get stuck on the edge but to move forward to all that the LORD has promised you.

The Israelites stood on the edge of the land that Yahweh promised them, a good land (Dt. 8:7) with everything they would need to sustain them, but fear and doubt, that God would not fulfill His promises, kept them in the wilderness for 40 years. I wondered a couple of things this week: have you been in a wilderness season and gotten so used to it that moving forward is harder than staying where you are? Instead of a dreaded place, the wilderness has become safe for you. You may have been led to the wilderness to learn something about the LORD, as the Israelites were, but there is coming a day and it may be today, that the LORD is saying, "Daughter, isn't it time for you to experience the promises."

I wondered this week, if you have turned around one more time to look back at what you have laid down? "It takes faith to say goodbye, it takes faith to say hello. The real travesty is going through all the pain of a goodbye but never enjoying the fulfillment of a new hello." (Page 173)

Oh, sweet sisters, your Creator did not make you to stay standing on the edge of something wonderful, never experiencing your own Promised Land. You have promises to claim from a God who is absolutely crazy about you. I wondered how many promises those other gods in our lives have made and then kept? I can't think of one. Our God cannot lie. Our God is able. Do you believe that today?

Will it be easy? Probably not. He doesn't ever promise easy. But it will be a good place. A place where you can experience joy and peace, a place where every need is supplied (every need, not every want), a place where you can have confidence and boldness to go to the throne of grace because He says you are chosen, you are royalty, you are a priest, you belong to Him and this is your home. You have before you today a great inheritance waiting for you. One that did not come cheaply, bought with the blood of Christ. Easy, no it's not easy to get there but you will never be alone in the journey.

Last night the LORD woke me with a thought. God reminded me in Joshua that the priests were called to move forward in faith, carrying the Ark of the Covenant on their shoulders, and step their feet into the swollen water of the Jordan, not knowing how they were going to navigate the entire nation across the river. (Another instance where God said "go" without giving all the details).

When they stepped in the muddy Jordan, the waters down river piled up and the nation of Israel crossed over to the Promised Land on dry land. Here's what God showed me. Those four priests stood in the middle of the Jordan, holding tight to the Ark (the very presence of God) for a VERY long time. About 2 million people had to cross over the river to the Promised Land. Talk about hard work. I was reminded about how long it takes to get out of the church parking lot after service, or out of the stadium after a Panther's game, or even evacuating large numbers of people from Florida during a storm (and they have vehicles). It had to take a long time for the nation of Israel to get to the other side and His priests did what was necessary to get the blessing of the other side. It couldn't have been an easy task for the priest. The ark was heavy; their arms and shoulders must have ached. How long were they standing as the children of God hurried across?

Beloved, God is calling you to lay down those things that weight you down, that promise you a bunch of nothing and deliver even less, to walk away and not look back and step your painted toes into the unknown waters. Hold on to Him tight- that's your job as priest. Hold on, stand so others can clearly see the way, and take claim of what is yours today. It's a good land.

Step in sisters, step in.