Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Walking the Walk

The first line says it all. "Walking away from our idols is a lifelong process." UGH! We like the quick fix and the magic formula, don't we? LORD, I have this in my life, now be gone! But the LORD seldom works that way for most of us…

He expects us to be like Abraham, walking without the details and showing us the way, step by step. I'm a detail girl…my prior business, in commercial design, was based on knowing and anticipating the details. I like to study the blueprint, see where the problem areas might be before I begin and code the items ahead of time. I build in contingencies, you know in case we've missed something somewhere. After all that, the drawings are stamped by the architect, reviewed by code officials and THEN we move. Clearly, in God's world, due diligence isn't what He's looking for.

Why did that wonderful hymn, Trust and Obey just pop into my mind? (I'm not kidding). Trust and obey, for there's no other way… and now I have visions of Kelly's little cousin, saying "I'm sitting down the outside, but in my heart I'm standing up." In God's economy, we can't have one of those without the other, they are spiritual twins! If we trust, but don't follow through with obedience, then did we truly trust? If we obey but don't really trust then we're like Jonah, missing the 18" connection from the brain to the heart. Trust and obedience have to go hand in hand, even when we don't know the path, even when we don't have the details. Process…

The truth of the matter is there is no formula, because we can't do it ourselves. We have to seek God's help, we can't exercise or diet our way into spiritual fitness in our own power. God has to strengthen us to make the heart change and He will because He is crazy in love with us! You want to put down an idol; you have to bathe it in prayer. Lots of prayer. "You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest…" (Isaiah 62:6).

Beloved, we've walked a good way over these past six weeks. We've come so far – don't give up now, commit to the process that the LORD has for you. It will be different for each one of us, so don't compare what God is doing for you with what He's doing with your friend. Remember, Peter asked, what about John and Jesus said, worry about yourself, Peter. I'll worry about John. (my abridged version). We're about to enter our last week of study together, so stay strong. Pray without ceasing and keep your eyes on Jesus – No Other God is worth the time!

Finally, Kelly (page 145) said, "there are things that we can't make sense of. Things that sometimes our idols can explain much better. And when they can't explain them, they can at least make us feel really good in our confusion" Girlfriend, there is a nutshell is why my hips are getting bigger…

Let's work on really seeking the LORD when those old idols call us back. Let's fill up those empty places with words that satisfy and promises that have never been broken, the REAL comfort food.

See you at the throne this week!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bumper Stickers

This past week on vacation, God reminded me (again) of how very small I am. It didn't matter which perspective I took, from the bottom of the mountain looking up or from the top looking down, I couldn't escape His enormity. Oh, the landscape surely is enough to remind anyone that our Creator is HUGE, but the thing that really convicted me was the bumper sticker. On a crowded highway, the pickup truck alongside of us sported a bumper sticker that proudly said, "My God is BIGGER than My Cancer!"

I couldn't help but look inside the cab, as I silently said a prayer for this precious one; would I be able to discern which of the occupants was fighting the fight of their life? And there she was, pink shirt, pink bandana wrapped around her smooth head.

It wasn't the size of the mountain that that the LORD used to teach me, but the size of her faith. I just pictured her waving the banner of her LORD, Jehovah Nissi. The LORD is my Banner; the LORD is my victory (Exodus 17:15). The banner is the standard that goes before the army to indicate whom it represents. The LORD is my Banner says that we are God's people and He is my God. That is all I had to know about her and all she wanted anyone to know.

How do we let the LORD get so small in our eyes? (Day 4, page 134). I think it is based on our experience with Him and how we see Him. In the Hebrew culture, a name described a person's character or nature. So it is with the names of God. The names of God remind us of who He is, and what He has done, and what He will do. As I review the names, titles and description of God, He increases in size and I would challenge you this week to begin to do that. Then imagine your own bumper sticker saying, "My God is Bigger than my (fill in the blank)!" That's true worship.

Because I'm so technically challenged…and we're having issues with the blog on the church server, I have a list that I have copied from Blackaby's Experiencing God, that I am happy to forward you by email. If you'd like a copy, email me at, and I will send it to you. It is a great way to be reminded of just how BIG our God is.

Kelly asked the question: "have you ever had an experience with a physical idol?" I have a confession…I have an actual idol in my house. Before you begin praying for my soul, let me tell you the story. I have a friend, CharlĂ©, who traveled to China regularly several years ago, as an importer of Chinese furniture into this country. She had tried many times to teach me to cook authentic Chinese cuisine. Of all things, I stumbled most on the rice. Either I would be waiting on it to soak up all the liquid (meaning it was underdone) while the rest of meal was overcooking, or the rice was too sticky (overdone). I guess I peeked into the pan one time too many… It became a running joke, and on one trip from China she brought me a present, an antique rice god. It was fashioned out of antique Chinese coins and gold plate by some rice farmer, I guess. We had a really good laugh as she said, "maybe this will help your rice skills!"

Can I just tell you…this little piece of metal, that is a great piece of Oriental art, certainly was no help at all in the rice department at the Fugarino house! It is the only thing that silly thing had to do and it couldn't even do that… go figure!

As I look at my list of all God is and all God has done, how can anything compare in our lives? We're at that stage in our study where we're tearing down and tearing out those things that are taking up space in our lives. Now is the place where we have to be sure to fill those empty spaces with the One True God. The One who created the rice, for crying out loud, and who sustained it and mercifully packaged it in little bags that I can put in the microwave for perfect rice every time!

This week, as Kelly suggests (page 125) let's stop spending so much time on trying to get rid of rebellion, lust, jealousy, materialism, addictions and whatever other idols rule our lives, and spend ourselves on knowing, truly knowing God.

Check your basement for unopened spiritual guitar cases…what's stopping you from opening them. Last week, my husband, Joe, had planned a grand finale of hikes for our last day. I have to say that I was less than thrilled because it had a difficulty label that read "strenuous". As the week drew to a close, I was contemplating a dozen scenarios that might help me avoid this trail…I was afraid it would be too hard for me. Every other hike we completed had said "moderate" and they were really tough. I so wanted to leave this guitar case unopened, until Joe pointed out that I was focusing all my attention on a word, "strenuous" and I was willing to let a word keep me from the climb. Hmmm, that will preach!

Anyway, Friday morning, we hiked what was probably one of the most beautiful trails we have EVER hiked. I made it to the destination and it was easier that the previous hikes we did earlier in the week. I am humbled by what I might have missed and what I have surely missed before.

God you are mighty, bigger and mightier than anything or anyone that I can imagine and I pray that this week as we continue this study that we will not settle for unopened cases that bear labels that keep us from knowing You. You are worth the climb!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

New Hellos

I'm on vacation this week, so I'm posting a little early this week. I didn't think you would mind. We're climbing some mountains, literally, we're hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains and I can't wait to see what God will show us along the trail.

We'll be on trails we've never been on before and sometimes that's scary because we're trusting that what we see when we get to the top is worth all the effort (and shortness of breath) as we climb. Sometimes, it's a bit dangerous. Twisted ankles, dehydration and well, bears are all possibilities along the trail. But we have a map to depend on; and we've researched the trail and we trust that the author is correct when he says there is something wonderful at the summit. We're rarely disappointed.

If only I would approach spiritual mountains the same way. One foot in front of the other, just keep going, the Guide says it will be worth it when I get to the top. In fact, He'll walk right there beside me. I know this Guide and what He says is trustworthy and true, but with Him, I still hesitate...are you sure?

A good hiker watches what's in her backpack. There are some things you need that are good and useful but then there are also some things that just add weight and ultimately hold you back. When the mountain is looming ahead, you don't need added weight to hinder your climb. But I don't want to say goodbye to my stuff!! So, I pack it neatly and hoist it to my back and huff and puff under the burden, just in case something unexpected happens. Be prepared, isn't that right? The unknown before me is sometimes bigger than the giant I see. Facing the unknown without my props is even harder.

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." Corrie Ten Boom

I've been studying Jeremiah in my quiet time this week. Jeremiah was a reluctant prophet who was given the assignment to give the stern warning to Judah about the coming judgement. Judgement of what? Check this out:

Jeremiah 1:16 "I will pronounce my judgements on them (Judah) concerning all their wickedness, whereby they have forsaken Me and offered sacrifices to other gods, and worshipped the works of their own hands." The LORD continues in 2:5, "What injustice did your fathers find in Me, that they went far from Me and walked after emptiness and became empty?" (Is that the leanness of the soul we studied?) LORD, can you be talking about me? Have I sacrificed (time, effort, money) to the works of my own hands, things that in reality just leave me empty but weigh a ton?

Why are we carrying these things in our packs, girlfriends? In Jeremiah 10 (you should read the entire chapter) the LORD points out the absurdity of the things we rely on instead of Him. He says, (my abridged version), "this stuff you're carrying around is like a scarecrow in a cucumber field, it can't speak, in fact, it can't walk, it doesn't help you walk, you have to carry it." (v5).
Jeremiah asks Judah, "did they (little g gods) create anything, "there is no breath in them." (v 14).

Do I need a god that I have to carry? Do I need a god that needs me to do everything for it? Isn't that backward? Indeed!

Hmmm, how foolish to carry extra weight that can't even carry itself!! How foolish to carry things in my pack that will just cause me to breath harder from the effort of carrying them around! "Where are your gods which you made for yourself? Let them arise, if they can save you." (Jeremiah 2:28). Think about it; it's absurd, isn't it? We made them, they didn't make us.

It's time to lighten the load in my pack and say goodbye to stuff I've been packing that's too heavy to carry. We're not pack animals, we walk on two legs. We weren't made to carry junk. If it can't walk beside me (thank you Jesus for promising to walk beside me), then I don't need to drag this junk anymore. I've got everything I need for the trip right beside me!

How about you? Got something you need to say goodbye to? Are there things taking up precious space in your life that the LORD says you don't need because you have everything you already need? Or maybe you already laid it down but sometimes you just want to run back and get it, goodbyes are hard!

Let's check: Can it save you when you're in trouble? Can it speak words of comfort when you need them or is it a scarecrow in the cucumber field? Can it create new life in you? Can it walk beside you? Will it rejoice over you with singing? (Zephaniah 3:17)

It's time to say some goodbyes and some new hellos. Let's get reacquainted with the real Guide.

I'll meet you on the summit; the Guide says it's worth the effort to get there. I'm going to trust Him. Wow, I just lost some weight...that's the best diet I've ever been on!

Love you gals!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Tale of Two Sisters

This week we looked a tale of two sisters, Leah and Rachel, as we studied, The Problem with Idols. King Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. And our scripture text (Genesis 29-30) confirms it. The very things that Leah and Rachel experienced all those years ago still plague us today.

Just look at the two descriptions of the sisters. "And Leah's eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful of form and face." Now that's a comparison in contrasts. The outstanding attribute to describe Leah was weak eyes! Commentaries are split in exactly what this means. Some say that it means exactly what it says, she had bad eyesight. Perhaps she walked around squinting to see, she might have been prone to bumping into things. What in the world did people do when they couldn't see back then, Lens Crafters wasn't just around the corner? For someone who can't see beyond 3 feet in front of her without the aid of contact lens, I can relate to how isolated you might feel when you can't see clearly what is in front of you. Perhaps you withdraw for safety's sake or because you appear bumbling or because someone has made fun of you. Other scholars think that the Hebrew word "weak" means "dull, not sparkling or vivacious", so perhaps she was sullen and sad, depressed (maybe because she couldn't see; it could be both meanings). Either way the comparison is not favorable. Even their Hebrew names set a direct contrast. Rachel (the beautiful, lovely one) means "ewe", but Leah, on the other hand, bless her heart, means "wild cow" (thanks a lot mom and dad)!

Whatever the meaning of "weak" eyes, one thing is certain, Rachel was physically beautiful and Leah was not. Rachel was loved by Jacob; Leah was not. Ann Spangler writes how Leah might have felt, "we buried my sister Rachel today. But she is still alive. I catch glimpses of her in Jacob's broken heart, in dark-eyed Joseph and little Benjamin, his favorite sons. Rachel's sons…" So sad.

She continues by saying, "with the birth of each child the unhappy Leah hoped to secure her husband's affection. But each time her disappointment grew. She felt the old curse asserting itself: 'Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you.'" (Gen 3:16)

Rachel behaved like a victim. Her struggle was not in being unloved; Jacob adored her. She became so intensely focused on comparing herself to Leah who now has a houseful of children, that she demanded Jacob give her a child! Each of them wanted desperately something the other had. It became the only thing they could think of.

The world tells us that desperate times call for desperate measures, but God says desperate times call for more of God! In moments of desperation, we lose our balance and focus, the balance of loving people or idolizing them. It wasn't until her fourth child, Judah, that Leah simply praised the LORD (Gen 29:35). Ann Spangler said that "Leah, not Rachel, was destined to be his first AND last wife… the promise of a Savior was carried not through Rachel's Joseph but through Leah's Judah…and in the end Jacob was laid to rest next to his first wife, Leah, rather than his favorite wife Rachel."

Makes me wonder how many ways the LORD wanted to bless the sisters if they had put Him before other people. Had they made the LORD their focus from the beginning, how would their lives been different? How would ours?

This week, let's think about these things:

What happens when desire becomes the driving force in your life? Discontentment is a trap. It leads us to think that what was enough is no longer enough. What do you long for that you don't have? How can you tell if your longing has crossed the line?

What is the ultimate thing in your life? Is it balanced and healthy or is it unbalanced or lop-sided? Page 90, Kelly says, "it doesn't matter if you have it all and get everything your heart desires, or if you're left wanting and unloved. Neither works. The two women had vastly different circumstances, yet both were left hungry. Why? Because God was not their ultimate thing." What price are you willing to pay to get the ultimate thing?

Kelly says that, "no matter how amazing a person is humans always make terrible gods." Look at page 83 discuss the last paragraph, "when we esteem the world, its beliefs, or anything in the world and make it our god, it is as if we are breaking union with Christ, looking for our needs to be met elsewhere… so when we look to idols we are being unfaithful to Him. This idolatry is the root of jealousy, which is the root of fighting and quarrels and wars." Oh My or Oh Me?

Lastly, remember that we serve a God of grace. Let's praise Him. If you are like me, you've probably been beat up a little over this study, God saw Leah's suffering and had compassion on her. How aware are you of God's compassion for you? Remember that wherever you are, whatever circumstance, He is all you need, He is enough. Pray this week that nothing will hinder you from placing the LORD first and receiving all that He has to offer you.

"I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow." Jeremiah 31:13

It's All God, baby!
