Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How’s That Working For You?

This week we've been challenged to identify that thing (or things) that are functioning as gods in our lives. If you're like me, you've got some sore toes. Kelly defined the difference between a professed god (what we say is our god) and a functional god (what operates as our god). Ouch!

God tells us "you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God." (Ex 34:14). El Qanna. Jealous God. Let's talk about that a minute. Don't miss this.

God is not talking about what we in our culture consider jealousy. We define jealousy with some negative connotations that involve bitterness, fear, and resentment. Does sound like our LORD? Bitter, Fearful, Resentful. Not mine.

Here's the word picture in the original Hebrew of jealous: vigilant in guarding a relationship, passionate or zealous. God is actually saying, "My name is Passionate. I'm mad about you. Vigilant for what we have together." God wants a special relationship with you. Not a weekly, Sunday morning relationship; not a twice a week relationship; not a relationship just when times are tough. He wants a passionate, every day relationship. He wants us to know Him (Is 43:10). Know refers to a very intimate knowing, like a marriage relationship, but even more than that, the relationship that the LORD wants to have with you is one that is closer than the most intimate of human relationships. Look up Isaiah 54:5 and Hosea 2:19-20. What does God compare our relationship with him with?

Mary Kassian, makes this point, "can you imagine the pain, anguish, and anger a loving, faithful husband would feel toward a wife who repeatedly cheated with other men? Such behavior would be intolerable and undoubtedly deserving of divorce. Yet God remained faithful to his wife. What's more, He extended His love and forgiveness and gently wooed her back." More bruised toes… Do you see what God is saying to us? He is jealous for this kind of relationship with each of us; He wants to love us like no other can. Ladies, do you want to be swept off your feet, well here it is? He is offering us the ultimate romance in our relationship with Him.

So how's that (functional god) working for you? What precious moments are we missing?

"Is not this thing in my right hand a lie?" (Is 44:20)

Faced with all we've studied this week, I've wondered, "how is it that the things (gods) I've invested in and thought would fulfill me, satisfy me, whatever…how is it that they have not rescued me?" Rescue? Far from it, how much power are we willing to give our false gods? What has it already cost, physically, emotionally, spiritually? What has it cost you?

Final thought, then I'll let you talk among yourselves. Alli talked honestly about her functional god (page 14). Asked what she set her heart on, what motivated her in life, what controlled her and what she served with all her energy and resources, she said this: "I would have done anything for him (it). He (it) wasn't necessarily my motivation for everything, but I would have given up everything for him (it) and done anything he (it) asked."

I added the "it" to make it more applicable to all of us. And I wonder, maybe you have wondered this too, "is that the way I feel about my professed God, the One who made me, saved me, feels so passionately about me." Can I honestly say, "I would do anything for You; give up everything for You, do whatever You ask me to do?" Sometimes . . . , not always, sadly.

How's that little "g" god working for you? Feeling the romance yet? Me neither.

You've done a great job this week of taking inventory. Keep up the good work as we continue to study and share God's word. Let's focus on what's in our hands this week as we study. Truth or lie?

Couple of things to chat about:

  1. "The evil in our desire typically does not lie in what we want, but that we want it too much." John Calvin. Some of the things we desire are not wrong. Some things are perfectly good things. What are some things that we should be on the lookout for? What are some good things, right things that are in our lives that can become detrimental simply because you desire it too much? (page 15)
  2. 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Well that covers it all, doesn't it? Tell us about some skills, talents, resources, passions, and area of expertise you have and how these things can be used for the glory of God. (p23)
  3. If we treasure Him, we treasure what is of infinite value. If we worship Him, we will become like Him. Let's have fun with this question. No condemnation, remember? Your house is on fire. Assuming that every living thing is safe and you had time to grab just one thing, what would you grab? I'm not asking you for a spiritual answer necessarily and I'm not attempting to suggest that this treasure is an idol. Just normal curiosity, we all have something that has some sentimental value, or something that we can't replace. What would you grab?

Keep studying this week my sweet NOGS (that's No Other God Sisters). We've had some great comments, keep posting and you can email me privately (some of you already have) at donnafugarino@hgbc.org




  1. WOW! What an eye opener the study on Sarah was and how convicting it was about how i try to help God and make things worst. OUCH Something to learn about patience and waiting...

  2. Yeah, I try to rush God and think that I'm helping Him or trying to do it myself so as not to bother Him at times. I daily struggle with waiting.

  3. I just have to say- that as a die-hard Beth Moore fan, I have been blown away by Kelly Minter's style of writing, and insights, as revealed by God's Word.

    Im coming into the study a little late- just picked up my book Monday, and have slowly gotten myself up to speed with you all. In a very short time, I have been drawn into a time of deep reflection almost instantaneously, and thank God daily for His patience with me.

    And, do you not all just love Kelly's humor? I told a friend this week, that I literally laughed out loud when I read her comments about the "nogs". We are going to have to rename our facilitator.... Donna Nogarino!
