Monday, July 6, 2009

Hello NOGS

Hello NOGS! (that's No Other Gods Sisters!),

I'm just about ready to push the post button on our first lesson!

Here's all you need to do. Check into the blog, a new commentary or post will be published every Tuesday, by mid afternoon. I'll also post during the week as I see something and I hope you will too.

Got your book? Get a comfy spot and a copy of God's Word and let's do this together.

Having trouble posting? Be sure that you have signed up. It's easy, go to "followers" and set up your google account. It fast and it's free. Then all you need to do is sign in to post your comments.

See you on Tuesday!



  1. I find myself putting security and family first. I want to put God first and listen to HIM.

  2. The first that I found in my life that I desire too much is...keeping up with repairs on our house, yard and cars. I try so hard everyday to make sure I do everything I can to get one more item done on the dredded "To-Do List". I find myself mad when I don't have progress everyday or I get mad at my husband for not doing enough. I just now realize that THIS is something I am serving. I need to pray first and then let God show me what to do or to do NOTHING and sit still (how I hate just sitting still). I will try to learn to put God first and then listen to Him, He will provide for NEEDS. Sometimes I think my upbringing made me a perfectionist......which is not a possible standard to follow. I remember something from a past Bible Study that comes to mind as I type. It is "B. U. S. Y." Means B- being, U- under, S- Satan's, Y- yoke. I get tooo busy trying to get all things done and then I am not as close to God as I should be. What a great first day of study. I sure do have a long way to go.(Heidi Barringer)

  3. Well, what does the Lord say about "good intentions"? I'm still very pumped about this study, am physically prepared with all the material, but found I'm not mentally prepared??? My household is not the usual calm, two person environment it normally is. Because of a week visit from my beloved daughter, I find myself not able to immediately begin this study. Therefore, I have to put it on the back burner for later this week. Nothing wrong with that, unless the back burner fries my good intentions to a crispy WHATEVER! It will not happen though - The Lord is already teaching me a lot about myself (and what I worship) even before I read the first page. Judy Plummer

  4. Well, day two! Hum! I believe I've narrowed my list down to food and worry. Those have such a hold on me! I believe with all the help of this study, which has caused me to narrow it down, I will overcome these two evils.
